Support > Reply To: Oracle Java no longer available (and Soundseeder support broken?)

Reply To: Oracle Java no longer available (and Soundseeder support broken?)

Home Support Java Application (Speaker) – Feedback and Troubleshooting Oracle Java no longer available (and Soundseeder support broken?) Reply To: Oracle Java no longer available (and Soundseeder support broken?)


2 years ago, I got Soundseeder working on my Pi. I don’t remember exactly how, but I think I managed to install Oracle Java.

Recently, the power went whilst installing updates on the Pi and I had to start from a fresh install. I recalled I had some trouble with Soundseeder last time, but didn’t remember this thread … 😉

I actually think I got Soundseeder working with the default-jdk available to OSMC a little, little while. Very weird, and I can’t really try and replicate it so nevermind.

I installed Oracle Java:

osmc@Vardagsrum:~$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_311"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_311-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.311-b11, mixed mode)

Now the speaker shows up as connected on my phone, but there’s no sound.

Tried running in debug mode:

osmc@Vardagsrum:~$ java -jar /home/osmc/soundseeder_v0.6.1b/soundseederspeaker.jar -d
2021-10-24 09:15:49,993 INFO  SoundSeeder Speaker
2021-10-24 09:15:50,001 INFO  Version 0.6.1 beta - built190517
2021-10-24 09:15:50,002 INFO  Copyright 2017 JekApps -

2021-10-24 09:15:50,002 INFO  Debugging: on
2021-10-24 09:15:50,007 DEBUG Availabe Network Interfaces:
2021-10-24 09:15:50,040 DEBUG Interface: wlan0 IP:
2021-10-24 09:15:50,041 DEBUG Binding to
2021-10-24 09:15:50,042 DEBUG Device UUID: SE55965980
2021-10-24 09:15:50,042 INFO  Available audio devices:
2021-10-24 09:15:50,050 INFO  Using default audio device: vc4hdmi [plughw:0,0]
2021-10-24 09:15:50,064 INFO  Network connected:
2021-10-24 09:15:50,065 DEBUG initPlayerService...
2021-10-24 09:15:50,071 DEBUG HelloListener launched
2021-10-24 09:15:50,174 DEBUG PlayerConnectionReceiver launched
2021-10-24 09:15:50,180 DEBUG Sending multicast hello msg
2021-10-24 09:15:50,296 DEBUG is Badrum
2021-10-24 09:15:50,335 INFO  Badrum connected
2021-10-24 09:15:50,356 INFO  Play
2021-10-24 09:15:50,700 INFO  Badrum audio stream connected
2021-10-24 09:15:50,708 DEBUG is Badrum
2021-10-24 09:15:50,891 INFO  Stop
2021-10-24 09:15:51,180 DEBUG Sending multicast hello msg
2021-10-24 09:15:51,502 DEBUG is Badrum
2021-10-24 09:15:51,836 INFO  Play
2021-10-24 09:16:05,722 DEBUG Connection timed out:
2021-10-24 09:16:05,722 INFO  Badrum audio stream disconnected
2021-10-24 09:16:05,724 INFO  Stop
2021-10-24 09:16:20,200 DEBUG Sending multicast hello msg
2021-10-24 09:16:20,619 DEBUG is Badrum
2021-10-24 09:16:20,992 INFO  Play
2021-10-24 09:16:21,305 INFO  Badrum audio stream connected
2021-10-24 09:16:21,518 INFO  Stop
2021-10-24 09:16:23,435 DEBUG hello received from
2021-10-24 09:16:23,464 DEBUG hello received from
2021-10-24 09:16:23,764 DEBUG hello received from
2021-10-24 09:16:24,111 DEBUG is Retro
2021-10-24 09:16:24,114 INFO  Badrum disconnected
2021-10-24 09:16:24,115 INFO  Badrum audio stream disconnected
2021-10-24 09:16:24,115 INFO  Retro connected
2021-10-24 09:16:24,120 INFO  Play
2021-10-24 09:16:24,424 INFO  Retro audio stream connected
2021-10-24 09:16:24,702 DEBUG is Retro
2021-10-24 09:16:25,372 INFO  Stop
2021-10-24 09:16:25,440 INFO  Play
2021-10-24 09:16:39,431 DEBUG Connection timed out:
2021-10-24 09:16:39,431 INFO  Retro audio stream disconnected
2021-10-24 09:16:39,432 INFO  Stop
2021-10-24 09:16:43,194 INFO  Play
2021-10-24 09:16:43,195 INFO  Stop
2021-10-24 09:16:43,529 INFO  Retro audio stream connected
2021-10-24 09:16:43,685 INFO  Play
2021-10-24 09:16:43,686 INFO  Stop
2021-10-24 09:16:43,692 INFO  Play
2021-10-24 09:16:43,960 INFO  Stop
2021-10-24 09:16:43,984 INFO  Play
2021-10-24 09:16:44,200 DEBUG hello received from
2021-10-24 09:16:44,252 INFO  Stop
2021-10-24 09:16:44,253 INFO  Play
Exception in thread "SpeakerPlaybackThread" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line unsupported: interface SourceDataLine supporting format PCM_SIGNED 44100.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian
	at Source)
2021-10-24 09:16:44,500 DEBUG hello received from
2021-10-24 09:16:44,548 DEBUG is Retro
2021-10-24 09:16:44,601 DEBUG hello received from
2021-10-24 09:16:44,883 INFO  Play
Exception in thread "SpeakerPlaybackThread" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line unsupported: interface SourceDataLine supporting format PCM_SIGNED 44100.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian
	at Source)
2021-10-24 09:16:44,898 INFO  Play
Exception in thread "SpeakerPlaybackThread" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Line unsupported: interface SourceDataLine supporting format PCM_SIGNED 44100.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian
	at Source)

Maybe I’ve got the wrong Java version from Oracle. I downloaded the jdk-8u311-linux-aarch64.tar.gz version in a haste, I’ll try with the jre-8u311-linux-x64.tar.gz next.