Support > Reply To: Jittering on RasPi with USB Audio Card

Reply To: Jittering on RasPi with USB Audio Card


I’ve been able to reproduce the jittering with an usb soundcard.

I’m still not sure why this happens, but I’ve found a workaround, that is working with my USB Card.
Please try the following:

– Replace the speaker jar file on your Raspberry Pi with the one attached to this post.
– Start the soundseederspeaker.jar in debug mode by appending the comandline argument “-d”
You will now see a list of all registered audio mixers:

Available mixers:
[0]ALSA [default], version 3.12.28+
[1]ALSA [plughw:0,0], version 3.12.28+
[2]ALSA [plughw:0,1], version 3.12.28+
[3]Set [plughw:1,0], version 3.12.28+
[4]Port ALSA [hw:0], version 3.12.28+
[5]Port Set [hw:1], version 3.12.28+

My USB Audio Card is the Audio Mixer with id 3.
Now stop the speaker (CTRL + C) and launch it with the new comandline arg. “-m”, followed by your desired audio mixer id:
java -jar soundseederspeaker.jar -m 3

The “.asoundrc” configuration file can be removed…

  • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by jekapps.